Chris Israel Named to Medium’s Inaugural “Power 10” list for his work in the Music Industry


The heads of various trade groups and organizations. It’s a long list: NMPA (David Israelite—he made the list this year), the RIAA (Mitch Glazier—he made the list), DiMA (Chris Harrison), NAB (Gordon Smith), CTA (Gary Shapiro), IFPI (Frances Moore), IA (Michael Beckerman) BPI (Geoff Taylor), A2IM (Richard Burgess), EFF (Cindy Cohn), MMF (Annabella Coldrick), MusicFIRST (Chris Israel), and many more I’ve left out. These and other advocacy leaders are always underappreciated and underestimated, in my opinion. They shape public policy and the public debate about music, copyright, royalties, and technology. The Music Modernization Act succeeded because of the industry trade groups’ efforts. And some legislation has been thwarted in part because of the opposition group’s efforts. The NAB is an unmovable force in the industry’s effort to get broadcast radio a performance right for sound recordings. The EFF is a longtime, vocal critic of the music industry. Bonus points if you know these group’s full names.

Link to the full list below:

