The IAM Strategy 300 focuses exclusively on patent practitioners and has firmly established itself as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking world-class legal patent expertise.
IAM Says: “Striving for continuous improvement of the IP landscape, Chris Israel stays abreast of the most recent developments and challenges in the industry to provide high-level strategic advice and first-class guidance as well as being a driving force behind policy changes.”
Chris Israel is a Senior Partner at ACG Advocacy and is also the co-lead of the firm’s technology and intellectual property group.
He joined ACG in 2010, after serving in the George W. Bush Administration as Deputy Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Commerce and later becoming the first U.S. International Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator.
At ACG Advocacy, Chris works with a diverse range of clients including some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world to support their efforts to build a policy environment in the U.S. that promotes and protects their investments in intellectual property. He has also developed a unique focus leading a coalition of top venture capitalists and innovative startups to pursue a policy agenda that has led to improvements in tax policy, investments in R&D, and strengthening patent protection.
Chris maintains a leadership profile working on IP and innovation issues and has been a frequent public speaker and has testified before Congress multiple times both as an Administration official and since he left public service. He was previously named one of the 50 “Most Influential People on IP” by Managing Intellectual Property magazine.
Dana Robert Colarulli joined ACG Advocacy in February 2020 and is an attorney and senior government affairs professional with more than two decades of experience working on legal-related technology policy and intellectual property issues in and with the private sector, the Executive Branch and the U.S. Congress. In various roles, he has served as a trusted advisor to corporate executives and government officials, managed and directed diverse teams that have led to the enactment of major intellectual property legislation, built coalitions to support policy positions and operational priorities, and proactively implemented strategic outreach and communications plans.
He currently also serves as the Executive Director of the Licensing Executive Society International (LESI), the umbrella organization of 33 national and regional associations supporting professionals who license intellectual property throughout the world.
Most recently, Mr. Colarulli served as the Director of the Office of Governmental Affairs as a member of the Executive Management team at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). As the top legislative liaison at the Department of Commerce on Intellectual Property issues, Mr. Colarulli facilitated substantive patent, copyright and trademark and related policy discussions and advocated for USPTO operational priorities through two Administrations and nearly 10 years. Mr. Colarulli managed and grew a team at the USPTO to effectively engage Capitol Hill and build relationships with Members of Congress and other elected officials. Mr. Colarulli coordinated USPTO personnel to facilitate enactment of various legislative reforms including the 2011 American Invents Act (AIA), the Defend Trade Secrets act, and implementation bills for various trademark, patent and copyright treaties.
Prior to that role, Mr. Colarulli was the Director of Government Relations and Legislative Counsel for the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO). He has worked in the U.S. Senate, in a DC-based Law Firm and at the U.S. Small Business Administration.
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