ACG has a distinguished education policy practice. Our staff is sought after for their expertise in navigating the federal appropriations process and securing critical federal funding for clients across the education continuum. For instance, ACG has helped Scholastic Corp. secure partnerships with the federal government for over two decades.
Additionally, ACG Partner Sheryl Cohen serves as the Executive Director to the oldest and largest coalition of education associations in existence, the Committee for Education Funding (CEF). Through this role, Ms. Cohen represents over 110 member organizations in advocating for an increased federal investment in education. She is responsible for designing and implementing the coalition’s strategy, regularly engaging with Congressional appropriators and key officials in the U.S. Department of Education to advocate on behalf of education funding.
CEF Deputy Executive Director Sarah Abernathy has almost 30 years of experience working on education and budget issues in both Congress and the Administration. Prior to joining ACG, Ms. Abernathy worked on the House Budget Committee Democratic staff for 18 years covering a range of policy areas, including education. Ms. Abernathy leverages her expertise to provide appropriations and political analysis as well as guidance on the overall budget process. She is a key part of the day-to-day management of CEF and its activities.